So why flamingo’s? When Maven launched in 2020 I wanted something visual, a mascot so to speak, something memorable that would always make you think of Maven. And as I passed by The Consortium on Jewry Street and saw the flamingo standing outside I knew she was it. So she’s called Mave the Flamingo and she’s sat in Maven ever since.
I knew from the start the award given on the night had to be a flamingo and I was thrilled when Karen from H&B Style told me she could get these amazing flamingo vases, so not just an award, something our winners could use and may fave things was seeing winners use them as a microphone on the night! A big thank you to Karen and H&B Style for Sponsoring the awards by providing these fabulous flamingo’s.
Did you know that flamingo’s lose their pink colour when they are raising their young because the process is so demanding? But the most important part of this story is that they do get their pink back. And I often think that’s what Maven is for - its here to support you in getting your pink back.